Instagram Threads Tips

Threads app can keep crashing due to an old version of the app, not enough space, faulty data, server issues, bugs, glitches, and so on.

You can turn off Instagram Threads comments in order to protect your contents from getting and abusive and hurtful replies.

Though the best time for Threads post depends on other factors, you can still choose before/after work hours and early afternoon on weekends.

Change the Threads name using your Instagram account from your Smartphone or PC. Also, un-sync your accounts to avoid affecting your FB.

You cannot see who viewed your Threads Profile since it is against the user's privacy. However, you can always limit your Profile views.

See who doesn't follow you back on Threads to know who has ignored your following request and does not care about it at all.

Log out of your Threads account to disable notifications and increase security. Also, use other features to further enhance your account.

If you have posted something on the Threads, you may get likes & comments. To Thank them, you can now reply to a comment on Threads.

See who unfollowed you on Threads by going to their Profile, looking at their "Following" list, and your "Followers" list.

Post video on the Threads using your Smartphone. Prepare the video in your phone's gallery as you can't capture or edit it within Threads.

Delete Threads post in order to make them invisible on your profile, this will directly help you in securing personal privacy.

Turn off Threads notifications to avoid distractions, save time, and for privacy. Disable all or specific notifications as you want.
