Instagram Threads Tips

What happens when you mute someone on Threads? Let's find out so that you can use this feature perfectly and won't make mistakes.

Clear search history on Threads if you are concerned about your personal information and cares for your privacy on the app.

Find someone on Threads using their username, display name, mutual friends, and Insta account. Send an invitation if they aren't on the app.

See someone's recent followers on Threads by manually keeping track or using a third-party app since there is no separate option available.

There are various ways to know if someone has blocked you on threads. You can confirm by searching their profile or checking comments.

You can copy and share your Threads profile link to your friends in order to make them to directly land to your profile.

Know if someone has restricted your Threads account by looking at their active status, sending DM, observing comments, and so on.

Share Threads post to Instagram with a few clicks as a Story or in IG Feed. No need to do extra steps to connect these accounts together.

You don't see notifications and your friend can't see your online status, this all happens when you restrict someone on Threads.

Clear Threads cache with a Smartphone to increase performance, free up space and troubleshoot issues. For iOS, use the "Offload App" feature.

If you use the Threads app, you may have tried to add a single image to your profile. But now you can also add multiple photos on Threads.

Use to repost a Threads post, if you want to access them at any time you want or to make them secure for future use also.
