
There is no official way to know if someone has blocked you on Snapchat. However, you can still look at the signs to confirm it easily.

Sometimes, you may getĀ the pending error on Snapchat. So, here we'll discuss the meaning, reasons, and solution to this pendingĀ error.

This article will show you to unblock someone on Snapchat if you want to forgive any friends and reconnect again.

Creating a public Snapchat profile is quite beneficial, especially if you are a business person and want to connect with a wider audience.

If you are trying to create a new Snap account or are just fed up with Snapchat, then you can permanently delete your Snapchat account.

If you want to block someone on Snapchat but are unsure how to do so, stick with us through this article since we will explain everything.

If you are trying to deactivate or delete your Snapchat account, you can easily do so from any device, including PC, Android, and iOS.

Snapchat recently started to allow its users to change usernames. You can now change your username once every year on Snapchat.
