Why Am I Not Seeing Friends Posts On Facebook?

Facebook enables its users to network with friends, groups, and pages from all over the World via status updates, videos, and photos. However, there are instances where users are not seeing friends posts on Facebook.

Not seeing friends posts on Facebook is an extremely rare occurrence. This situation has created an environment of confusion and frustration for us.

Through this blog, we aim to explore all possible reasons behind the issue. We have also created a guide on the possible solutions if you are experiencing technical issues and have also compiled and answered frequently asked questions regarding the Facebook algorithm.

Facebook News Feed Algorithm

Facebook houses a highly ahead-of-time and sophisticated algorithm that determines the contents displayed on users’ News Feeds. The algorithm uses a variety of factors to organize and prioritize posts from friends, groups, and pages that users follow. 

The algorithm considers various factors, such as post engagement, relevance, timeliness, post type, posting frequency, and user settings, to create a personalized experience.

This personalized experience boosts engagement by aiding users explore relative content.

Factors that Affect Which Friends Posts Show Up on Facebook News Feeds?

The algorithm takes account of the below-stated factors to determine post visibility in the News feed:

1. Post Engagement

Post Engagement includes activities like likes, comments, and shares. Higher interactions in a post help the algorithm determine the content as interesting, hence increasing its visibility.

Two accounts can find the same situation. If you have not been actively interacting with your friend’s posts, the algorithm may gradually reduce their visibility on your Feed.

2. Relevance

The algorithm also features the analyzing user behavior and preferences to assess the relevance of posts. For example, if you have frequently been exploring sports options, more sports-related content will be on your News Feed.

The News Feed algorithm also applies this feature to your friends and groups. It prioritizes the posts of friends and groups that are considered more relevant to you.

3. Timeliness

The Facebook algorithm also prioritizes newer posts to ensure users are provided with the most up-to-date content.

If you haven’t been regularly checking Facebook or have a high volume of posts from various sources, older posts from friends may get buried in your News Feed and become less visible.

4. Post Type

Facebook News Feed generally has different posts, including status updates, photos, videos, or links. Leading them to incorporate a feature in the algorithm which prioritizes content based on their type.

So, what kind of content is prioritized by the algorithm? As visual content is more engaging, posts with photos or videos may have a higher chance of appearing on your News Feed.

5. Posting Frequency

You might have noticed that certain accounts are featured less in your Facebook News Feed, even if it contains visual content. One of the reasons might be due to the regular posting of that account.

For example, if a friend frequently posts on Facebook, their content might not be featured. The algorithm aims to avoid content saturation and balance content variety.

6. User Settings

FB allows a user to have complete control over their News Feed preferences. It allows us to restrict someone or groups by snoozing or blocking them.

The privacy settings can also restrict the visibility of certain posts of friends if they have the setting to hide it from you.

The algorithm and user privacy settings determine Facebook News Feed post visibility. What you see is a replica of what Facebook believes is according to your preference.

Why am I Not Seeing Friends Posts on Facebook in 2023?

We have been lost once if unable to see posts from our favorite people or group. Have always wondered if they have simply blocked us. In some cases, this might not be a problem.

Below we have listed out some factors which might have caused your friends’ posts to not be visible in your Feed:

1. Changes in Facebook’s Algorithm

With every new version of Facebook, there is an update in its algorithm to boost user experience and provide more relevant content.

These updates can affect the visibility of friends’ posts on your News Feed, as the weightage of factors like engagement, relevance, and post type may change.

2. Your News Feed Preferences

Facebook settings are something that we love to explore. However, if not controlled properly, we might face the app not working according to our requirements.

There might be a time when you accidentally adjusted your News Feed preferences, resulting in fewer friends’ posts appearing on your Feed.

3. Facebook Privacy Settings

Not only your settings but also the settings of your friends may result in you seeing fewer of their posts. Your friend might have a strict privacy setting that may limit the visibility of their posts.

Hence, if you want to stay in touch with your “private” friend, then make sure that they haven’t restricted you from viewing their posts. 

Note: You can also view our guide if you are not receiving notifications when your friends post. 

4. Technical Issues with Facebook

Not just you and your friends but even Facebook might be the culprit in some cases. Sometimes technical glitches and bugs might impact the visibility of your friends’ posts.

If you suspect such technical issues, we have also created a list to overcome technical issues below.

5. Facebook Advertising

Facebook also serves as a promotional advertising platform. It has a feature that helps the brand advertise content by integrating ads into an individual’s New Feed.

These advertisements are part of the algorithm’s equation, which aims to strike a balance between organic posts and paid content.

The Facebook algorithm, technical glitches, advertising, and privacy settings play a vital role in determining what or what is not shown on one’s Facebook page.

What Should I do If I am Experiencing Technical Issues

Even though Facebook glitches might seem out of your hands. If you are experiencing technical issues preventing you from seeing friends posts on Facebook, you can try the following troubleshooting steps to overcome the issue:

1. You can try Logging out and Logging back in. This resolves most temporary glitches or connectivity issues.

2. You try to get rid of residual data by manually clearing the cache and cookies.

3. You can try opening your account using a different computer or smartphone to see if the problem persists.

If you do not have a different device, you can try accessing it from a different web browser application. This step helps determine if the issue is specific to your current setup.

4. If you notice the app’s frequent glitching, ensure you have the latest version of the Facebook app or web browser.

5. If you have completed all the following steps, none of them resolves the issue. The final step is to consider reporting the issue to Facebook’s support team.

A Facebook technical issue is nothing to fret over, and if you follow the simple steps, you can easily overcome it and get your favorite app the way it is supposed to be.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can I do anything to improve my engagement with friends on Facebook?

A: Yes, there are several things you can do to improve your engagement with friends on Facebook. Actively interact with their posts by liking, commenting, or sharing. Join relevant groups or pages to connect with friends who share similar interests.

Q: Does the Facebook algorithm always stay the same or change over time?

A: The Facebook algorithm is not static and constantly evolves. Facebook regularly updates and refines the algorithm to enhance user experience and ensure more relevant content is shown.


In conclusion, several factors can contribute to not seeing friends’ posts on Facebook. Understanding the Facebook algorithm, and its factors, such as post engagement, relevance, timeliness, and posting frequency, can shed light on why certain posts may not be appearing on your News Feed.

Changes in the algorithm, user preferences, privacy settings, technical issues, and the integration of advertising all play a role in determining the visibility of friends’ posts. 
