Why Do I Get Notifications When Someone Posts On Facebook

If you use Facebook, you probably have friends on it, and you may see many posts about them, like Birthday posts, travelling posts, and many more. And also get notifications when someone posts any status or photos on Facebook.

Have you ever wondered why you get notifications when someone posts something on Facebook? It’s because it has a default feature to send alerts of various activities regarding your friends.

Mostly you get alerts from closely related friends and from such posts on which you visited and reacted. You also get notified if someone tags or mentions you on their posts. It helps in getting information instantly about that post.

Facebook has a feature to turn notifications On/Off of a specific person and even a specific post.

What are Facebook Notifications?

Facebook notifications are alerts that inform users about their new activities. They appear on the screen as small pop-up boxes, banners, or badges.

You get alerts if someone sends you a friend request, follows you, and reacts & comments on your post.

Besides this, you also get notified by such posts you visit frequently and react to.

But sometimes, in between unnecessary notifications, important ones may be lost and hard to find at a time and make you disappointed. FB notification settings are enabled by default for all activities on it.

Facebook has a feature to turn alerts On/Off of a specific person and even a specific post.

Types of Facebook Notifications

There are various types of notifications that are shown on the app depending on the activities. They are seen in various forms, like pop-ups and via Email.

You can customize it from notifications settings and push your alerts in Email. Some popular notifications that are shown on Facebook are:

1. Like and Comment Notifications

Facebook notifies you if someone likes and comments on your posts and your shared status.

2. Mention and Tag Alerts

If your friends tag and mention you on any post, Facebook instantly informs you about this.

3. Friend Request Notifications

You will receive alerts when someone wants to connect with you and send a friend request.

4. Birthday and Event Alerts

Facebook keeps the birth date of every user, and on their birthday, it sends a notification to their friends.

5. Group and Page Alerts

If any particular member shares posts on a group or page, then Facebook will notify the members who are in a group and follow the page.

6. Messenger Notifications

There is an option to connect on Messenger without sending friend requests on Facebook. Some people directly send messages without a request. This message request is not shown as a notification. But, if you receive any message in Messenger, it sends an alert that is visible on your screen.

You can also disable all chat and call notifications sound in Messenger by following our previous article.

7. Post Notifications

If any of your friends post a picture or share posts and memories, then you will get alerts about that.

You can change the post alert to a closed one whose you wish to see posts immediately after sharing.

Available Alert Receive Options

Depending upon where you want to receive alerts, there are three options:

1. Push

After enabling this, alerts start to pop up on the screen. Even after removing them from the screen, you can still see them inside Facebook notifications.

It mostly happens if you are not using Facebook actively.

2. Email

All your Facebook alerts are transferred to Email if you enable this. You can also customize it, which means you can receive one or a few alerts according to your wish. Only suggested types of notifications are transferred to it.

3. SMS

It sounds amazing! Facebook sends alerts via SMS for some very important tasks, such as receiving OTPs when you change passwords.

You can also receive friend requests, comments, and other activities via SMS, but you must enable SMS alerts.

Additionally, you can customize what kind of notifications you receive on SMS by controlling their settings.

How Facebook Determines What Notifications to Show You

You probably have noticed that you have a number of friends, but you get only a few friend post notifications.

Have you ever wondered why you can’t get alerts from all who post on Facebook? This is because of various reasons, like the Facebook algorithm. Not only this, there are various reasons behind this. Some are given as follows:

1. Facebook algorithm

Facebook uses its algorithm to determine what notifications to show you. It determines your various aspects, such as involvement and reactions on particular pages or posts. After this, it confirms whether to send alerts or not.

2. Activity on the platform

Facebook seeks to determine whether you are running it actively or not. If you use to visit it frequently, it also starts to send more relatable notifications to you. Getting alerts also depends upon your activeness on a platform.

3. Friends and pages you follow

You cannot get notifications from those who are not your Facebook friend and do not have any interference with their posts. But you get notified from those posts whom you follow and use to see their posts regularly.

4. Engagement with specific content

You might notice that the type of content you use to see frequently will start to appear on your wall continuously. But those which you skip getting to see often eventually start disappearing. This is because algorithms understand your taste and notify you if someone shares such content.

5. Frequent likes and comments

Facebook shows posts on your wall and alerts on the notification section or pops up on the screen if you continuously do likes and comment on a particular friend’s posts. 

6. Notification settings

If you turn off notification settings, you do it for all posts. You won’t be notified even if you like, comment, and frequently visit those posts. Or even if you follow all the aspects mentioned above, you can not receive alerts.

But, if you want to turn off alerts from a particular person’s post, you can do it simply by turning off notifications from that post settings.

One interesting thing is that you can turn off specific notifications, such as only comments or reactions (likes). You can do it by turning off comment or reaction alerts from settings.

Why am I Getting Facebook Notifications When Someone Posts?

You get alerts when someone posts on Facebook because you enable notifications for particular posts. If you enable it, you get them on any device like Laptops, Macs, IOS, and Androids.

Facebook will notify you depending on factors like your engagement and frequent post-visits.

You get notified immediately after sharing posts if you add someone to a closed friend list. Or even showing your interest and activeness to specific content.

When you visit pages and groups and show interest in them, Facebook automatically sends you notifications about those pages.

Or if you find it boring and feel disturbed, you can turn off alerts of such posts that are not your type and have no interest in them.

To turn off notifications for all posts, Go to Facebook settings> Notifications> Toggle off the button.

Sometimes, You may be notified delay because of a down server or a weak internet connection. Ensure that your internet connection is reliable.

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How Do I Turn Off Facebook Notifications from Specific Person

Not having an interest in someone’s post is common. When you don’t prefer their post and don’t interact with them on any issue, it is not so worth keeping them on your friend list.

You can simply unfollow them. By doing so, you will never get notifications about them. 

Follow the following process to unfollow specific persons on Facebook:

1. Go to the Facebook profile of those you want to unfollow.

2. Tap Friends, which is just below the profile name.

3. Select “Unfollow” from various options.

The unfriend option is also available there if you don’t want to be their friend anymore. And if you just want to take a break by not seeing their posts and notifications, touch on the “Take a break” option just below Follow.

Or if you don’t like the posts of particular pages and have no interest, then unfollowing them might be a better option.

Why Some Notifications are Prioritized Over Others

You are unable to see each and every activity that happens on Facebook, and it does not show all notifications. Only filtered and prominent alerts will be seen.

Facebook allows its users to prioritize particular friends and groups by which they can see posts and get alerts first.

Algorithms also play a major role in prioritizing notifications over others. It filters alerts depending on various factors and sends them to you.

Frequently visiting pages, following pages, and regular like and comments posts will be seen frequently on your news feed and get more alerts than others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I turn off all Facebook notifications?

A: No, you can not turn off all notifications at once. But you can turn it off individually, likes, comments, tags, mentions, and group alerts.

Q: What should I do if I receive too many notifications?

A: If you are getting notified with a not interested one, then you can unfollow or unfriend them on Facebook. This may help in concentrating on your work or study.

Q: Can I control the sound of Facebook alerts?

A: Yes, you can control the sounds of FB notifications by turning them On/Off or changing the sound from settings.

Wrapping Up

Getting notifications from Facebook is a good alert as we see posts instantly after sharing by our loved ones. There is no chance of missing informative details on interested pages.

And if you want to see notifications from specific ones, you can add those people to a close friend list. By doing this, you get notified by specified only. Or you can also push up your alerts depending on where you want to see them. Options are: Push, Email, and SMS.

But, if you want to focus on your study and work, you should turn off notifications as they distract your mind from concentrating.
