
Hide Threads comments to avoid scammers and unpleasing comments appearing on your posts. The process is easy and quick.

You might have used your Threads account to promote your websites. But now you can add a link to threads profile to promote websites & blogs.

The Restrict on Threads means you are blocking their interaction with your account by hiding their comments and disabling post notifications.

Mute someone on Threads to avoid the unnecessary contents from your friends. Muting someone on Threads does not remove them from following.

Easily change the Threads Profile Picture using your Smartphone. You can also directly import the Profile photo from your Instagram account.

Since Threads is an extension of your IG account, you cannot change its password individually, Instead, you can change your IG password.

Make Threads private if you are concerned about your personal information or data and to limit in the number of stalkers.

Deactivate the Threads account to temporarily hide your Profile, posts and interaction. It won't have any effect on your Instagram account.

You all might have got many likes on your post and aren't able to focus on quality posts. But now, you can hide likes on the Threads app.

Threads does not notify someone when you take screenshot of their posts. So, you can capture any contents on Threads if you like them.
