What Is The Longest Snapchat Streak?

If you’re on a Snap streak with a friend, you’ve probably wondered what the longest Snapchat Streak is. What are my chances of beating them?

While you won’t need to be in world record to enjoy the Snapchat Streak with your friend, it is nice to know how long other people are maintaining this.

Additionally, having long streaks on Snapchat will give you bragging rights with your friends. You can also start some playful competition with your group of friends.

We may eventually abandon our Streak with friends. We sometimes have to start over because we miss sending a snap.

Maintaining a long streak on Snapchat is no joke. That’s why the topics such as “longest Snapchat streak” frequently appear on social media.

Thus, this article will cover everything you need to know about the longest Snapchat streak, how to keep it going, and a few other extra tips. Also, you can read our other article to learn the meaning of YK on Snapchat.

What is Snapchat Streak?

Before going directly about the longest or highest Snap Streak on Snapchat, let us briefly discuss its meaning.

Snapchat Streak is a feature that keeps track of the days when you and a friend send snaps to each other at least once per day.

Once you and your friend maintain this for three days, you will see fire emoji next to your friend chat. It signifies that you and your friend have started a streak on Snapchat.

All you have to do now to keep it going is send at least one Snaps to each other daily. The number beside the fire symbol indicates how many days you and your friend are on Snapstreak.

It is a simple Snapchat game that can help you build trust and bonds with your friends. Hence, you can try it with your friend when you have time.

Streak Culture on Snapchat

Your Snapchat Streak is the number of consecutive days you and your friend have sent at least one Snap to each other without missing a single day.

So this encourages competition in social media. Whoever has the longest or largest Streak on Snapchat can brag about it.

As we know, the Snapchat streak was introduced to its users on April 6, 2015. It informs you that even if a Snapchat streak starts during the beta version, it can never exceed 3000 days for now (Dec. 2022).

Some people have been keeping the Snapchat Streak since its release. They are the most insane record holder. But some people are faking it.

So, it is crucial to filter such people from genuine ones. In our next section, we will talk about some incredible people who have maintained their Snapstreaks since its launch.

Longest Snapchat Streaks

Now that you know what Snapstreaks is and its culture, let’s learn about the longest Snapchat Streaks.

As you know, many people don’t want to share their information on social media. So, we can’t guarantee that they hold the longest Snap Streak record.

Also, there is no official way to know about the longest Snapchat Streaks. So, we have to take the info from other sites like Twitter, Facebook, etc.

As we know, the longest Snap Streak record of all time belongs to Hannah Garrett and Lauren Luckey as of December 2022. They currently have the Snapchat Streak of more than 2732 days.

Note: This data is from the Suntricks. You can also send a screenshot of your Snapstreaks to this website if you want to record yours.

Please remember that this data is from available screenshots and people willing to share their streaks.

There may be a higher number of Snapchat Streaks with other people who are hesitant to share. Furthermore, there is a chance that this record will break in the future.

10 Longest Snapchat Streaks Ever Till Now

We all know that we don’t need to break any records to confirm our friendship on Snapchat. But it is still an interesting topic if you manage to make one.

Other people besides the longest record holder are also maintaining Snapchat Streaks for a long period. There are lists of people holding such long records on their names.

Furthermore, It is not surprising that the list changes yearly. So, here are the ten longest Snapchat Streaks holders as of the end of 2022 or the beginning of 2023.

  1. Hannah & Lauren – 2732+
  2. Fatmis & Samko – 2720+
  3. John & Harley – 2686+
  4. Julie S & Kristi B – 2285+
  5. Ally Zaino and Kat Bruneau – 2235+
  6. Keenan Capps & Diego Astorga – 2138+
  7. Mia & Elliot – 2069+
  8. Sophia & Taryn – 2000+
  9. Alan & Jonathan – 1968+
  10. Patrick & Rayon – 1571+

The list above is according to the data previously recorded. So, there can be some discrepancies with it in the future.

Note: We have taken this data after careful consideration from websites like Facts.net, Suntricks, etc. So, please use them as references, as we can’t guarantee a hundred percent about their validity.

Pros and Cons of Streaks

While it feels good to have the biggest Streak on Snapchat to brag with your friends, it can also be harmful if you don’t use it wisely.

First, if we talk about the advantage of Snapchat Streaks, it promotes healthy competition. With this feature, you can quickly increase bonds and trust with your close friends.

It lets you connect with your friend even if you are far apart. Having to send at least one Snap daily can work wonders for your relationship.

However, everything that is in excess is always wrong. If you try to maintain Streaks with every friend on Snapchat, you will waste your time on something worthless.

Also, you may believe only the friend with whom Snapstreak is going on is your friend. If you think like that, this feature will immediately become counterproductive.

We suggest you use this feature as a small game rather than making a big deal out of it. Don’t try to judge others from some simple game on Snapchat.

If you only use it for the intended purpose, you can enjoy it freely with your friends, relatives, or with your special ones.

Some Tips Regarding Snapchat Streak

Now you see many people maintain Snapchat Streak for so long; you may also want to make a record with your friend.

If so, then it is inevitable that you may encounter some issues. Therefore, we will tell you some tips to maintain your Snapchat Streaks for a long time.

The first thing to do to maintain a long Snapchat record is to use a Schedule. You can discuss it with your friend to fix a time to send Snaps so that you both won’t forget.

You could also send a typical Snap instead of a unique and great one. You’ll run out of Snaps’ ideas when trying to keep a long record. So, start with simple ones to get things going.

Another thing to keep in mind is the hourglass icon. When your Snapstreak is about to expire, Snapchat will show an hourglass icon.

Therefore, if you see this icon on your Snapchat, send a Snap as soon as possible. It is preferable to remind your friend if he/she still needs to resend it.

Additionally, sometimes, you may lose your Snapstreaks even when neither of you is at fault. Such situations arise when you encounter app glitches, server issues, and so on.

In such a case, you can go to Snapchat Support and report it to get your Snapstreak back. You will be required to fill out a form, and if you are not in error, Snapchat will return your Snapstreak.


Is there an official record for Snapchat streaks?

Snapchat Streaks have no official record. Because it is purely personal information, the records are according to the data shared on the internet.

Furthermore, the records are constantly changing. We can’t always assume that the person with the longest Snap Streak will always be first on the list. You never know when that person’s streak will come to an end.

Also, another person may have a longer Snapchat record but is unwilling to share it on the internet. So, because Snapchat Streak is more about personal stuff, there is no official and guaranteed record for it.

However, we can still list out the longest Snapchat Streak record based on our gathered data.

Can Snapchat streaks be lost?

Yes, you can lose your Snapchat Streak if you or a friend fail to send a Snap within 24 hours. You can’t claim back such Streaks if the fault lies on you or your friend. So, you can only start another one.

Snapchat will show an hourglass icon when your Snapstreak is about to expire. So, you can send Snap to your friend as soon as possible to save your Streaks in such cases.

Also, if you lose your Snaps due to the fault of the application or server, then report it to Snapchat support. You can restore your lost Snapstreaks quickly if you or your friend are not at fault.

Final Thoughts

Snapsteak can help you increase your bond with your friend quickly. We recommend you try it out with your friends who are separated by distance due to work so that you can stay connected even after years.

It is beautiful to look at your Snapstreaks after a long time. You will feel unreal how you connect with your friend for years without pause.

We hope you can make this feature a way to express your love to someone special. Don’t try to make it a requirement in your relationship; instead, make it a part of it.

That concludes our discussion of this article. If you want to learn more, check out our guide on the screenshot on Snapchat without them knowing.

