How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge from Windows 10

Microsoft Edge is the default web browser pre-installed in Windows. Initially, Edge was introduced in Windows, but now it supports Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux. With the new windows update, Microsoft is automatically replacing the Chromium version of Microsoft edge in windows 10. This guide will teach you step-by-step if you want to uninstall Microsoft edge in Windows 10.

Uninstalling Microsoft Edge can be a little tricky. Since the company does not wants its users to get rid of Microsoft Edge.

However, it is possible to remove Microsoft Edge from your computer or laptop. Additionally, the methods described below also work in Windows 11.

Methods to Uninstall Microsoft Edge on Windows 10

There are many methods to uninstall the ms edge browser in Windows, but the steps described could be technical for most users.

However, each step is described efficiently, so you don’t need to worry even if you’re not a tech geek.

Method 1: Using Windows Settings to Uninstall Microsoft Edge

If you have Manually installed Microsoft edge, you can uninstall it using a standard method.

1. Press Settings from the windows start bar and Select Apps.

2. In the Apps & features, search Edge and Click Uninstall.

3. Alternatively, you could open the control panel from the windows start bar. Then select Programs and Features and press Uninstall.

Windows 10 Settings
Windows 10 Settings
Uninstall Microsoft Edge in windows 10
using windows settings

Note this method will uninstall any Beta, Dev Channel, and Canary Channel versions of Microsoft Edge. However, the stable version of Edge will still be present on your PC.

Method 2: Use the Command Prompt to Uninstall Microsoft Edge

This method is applicable if the option to uninstall isn’t available using the first method. Before you begin, you need to find your Microsoft edge version installed on your desktop.

1. Open Microsoft Edge, click the hamburger option, and select Settings.

Microsoft Edge Settings to uninstall
Microsoft Edge Settings

2. At the bottom sidebar is an option About Microsoft Edge to select it. The version of the current Microsoft Edge is displayed; note it down for reference.

Microsoft Edge Version

3. From the start bar, search cmd and Run as Administrator.

4. After opening the command prompt, copy these codes.

cd %ProgramFiles(X86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\{Version Number}\Installer

replace the Version Number with the noted version from step 2.

command prompt Edge directory

5. After locating the Edge installed directory, paste these codes into the command prompt.

setup.exe --uninstall --system-level --verbose-logging --force-uninstall
uninstall Microsoft edge using the command prompt in windows 10

These steps will remove Edge from your computer. You will still see Microsoft Edge but clicking it won’t execute any program.

Method 3: How to get rid of Microsoft Edge Permanently

Although you have uninstalled Edge from your device, the upcoming windows update might install this application. To deactivate the installer, we need to change the settings in the registry.

1. From the start menu, type Registry editor and press Run as administrator.

2. After opening the Registry editor, copy the following code and paste it into the address bar.

Registry window location

3. Press the mouse Right-click button, then hover New and select Key. Set the key name to EdgeUpdate.

Registry create key value

4. Right-click the EdgeUpdate folder, then hover New and select DWORD (32-bit) Value. Name it as DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium.

Uninstall Microsoft edge from windows

5. Double-click the DoNotUpdateToEdgeWithChromium file and change the Value data to “1”. 

disable Microsoft edge in windows 10 for future updates

6. Click OK and close the registry.

Congratulations, you have successfully deleted Microsoft Device from your device.

Also, check out How to Hide the Taskbar in Windows 10

How To Reinstall Microsoft Edge in Windows 10?

For any reason, you want to install the Microsoft Edge app. Follow the third method and change the Value data to 0. After changing the value, go to Microsoft’s official website to download Microsoft Edge.

When the download is complete double click it to open, then press Install. After installing the file, you will see Microsoft Edge on the start bar and double-click to use it.


Following the above method, you can uninstall and reinstall Microsoft Edge on your device. Any errors in the above steps might be because of a windows update on hold, so update your windows to run smoothly.
