How To Start A New Paragraph In Facebook Messenger

While writing messages, if it has been so long than expected, we tend to change the paragraph at that time but don’t find the right way. In this article, we will discuss how to start a new section of a paragraph in Facebook Messenger.

Doubtlessly, Messenger is one of the favorite apps of a number of people. This is because it lets users experience several interesting features. Changing paragraphs while sending messages is one of them.

Sometimes, you need to change a section of text to clarify more about it but get disappointed by not finding a way to change a line.

Well, segmented paragraphs could make your users easy to understand your emotions and words. It helps in making messages more efficient and significant.

Why Should I Make a Paragraph in Facebook Messenger?

Lengthy messages with no section make readers hard to understand the subject. That’s why you need to take a line break when the message is too long.

While you are describing different stages of the text, then, you need to take a paragraph break that makes the subject more clear and more effective.

There is numerous importance why you need to make a paragraph in FB Messenger while sending a lengthy text. Here we will discuss some of them.

1. Readability and Clarity

A paragraph plays a vital role in making a reader comprehend the matter of a subject more easily. If the message is long with no line break, then it has a great chance for the reader to lose focus on the content.

On the other hand, segmented texts help in getting the subject of messages effortlessly. At the same time, it also enhances the readability and clarity of the message.

2. Emphasize Key Points

No matter how clearly you have written the messages, it does not mean anything if the reader doesn’t get the main point.

Giving a short break to your message make it more meaningful and understandable. And ultimately lead readers in emphasizing key points.

3. Avoid Clutter and Confusion

Long and complex sentences are hard to read and are complicated to acknowledge the subject. To make the text more understandable or less confusing, make sure to take a line break if the message gets lengthy.

4. Enhanced Communication

Segmenting of paragraphs gives your readers the ability to identify the main idea and target of a text. A paragraph that contains the main matter in the first sentence is like covering a whole topic.

It increases readability to the reader and directly helps in enhancing the communication between you and your friend.

How to Start a New Paragraph in Facebook Messenger

Paragraph helps in dividing your messages in such a way that you can readily notice the engaging and missing parts. And it also makes your friend in getting the main moral effectively.

If you are the one who wants to add a paragraph in FB Messenger but doesn’t have any idea, then you are in the perfect place. We will let you know the process to start a new line while writing a message.

You can start a new paragraph in Facebook Messenger by using any smartphone and PC. Without delay, let’s enter the main field.

Start a New Paragraph in Messenger on Mobile App

If you wish to start a new paragraph in Messenger on your phone, you can do it by adopting some simple steps that just take a few seconds to accomplish the task.

It is pretty easy to start a new paragraph in Messenger using smartphones.

1. Open Messenger on your Android phone.

2. Go to the chat conversation on which you want to send a message.

3. Type a message and touch on Enter key from the keyboard.

For a better experience, you can double-enter the key because tapping enter just once doesn’t make a visible space between the paragraphs.

You can follow the same steps for iPhone and iPad also because there is no vast difference in the steps. The process is quite similar on iOS and Android mobile apps.

Start a New Paragraph in Messenger on the Desktop

Sometimes you need to change the paragraph to make the text easily understandable for your friends. But when you try to do it, a partial (incomplete) message sends instead of a line break.

Because you click enter key, that does not function as a paragraph changer.

Let’s learn how you can start a new paragraph in Messenger using the desktop web app that just takes a few steps to complete.

1. From your laptop or computer, open Messenger.

2. Open the particular chat.

3. Write a message, then hold Shift and Enter at the same time.

The paragraph will change immediately after clicking Shift and Enter at a single time. It is the simplest way to add a line break while texting from Computers.

How to Create Lists in Messenger Chats?

Unfortunately, Messenger has not developed a list feature on the app. Sometimes, if you need to create a list, you have to do it manually.

1. Go to Messenger and open a specific chat.

2. Type 1 or A or bullet or arrow, or other sign (that indicates the list) before typing the text.

3. After typing the first line, touch enter key and start the next step accordingly.

There is no availability of a direct method to create lists in Messenger. You can go through the above-given steps to add a list on the app.

We all have to use this option until Messenger develops a default listing feature.

Can I Format Messages in Facebook Messenger?

Have you ever assumed that it is possible to format the texts in Facebook Messenger? If you feel bored chatting by using a simple and boring default style, you can change them to various styles.

If you emphasize giving your texts a better look and making them more unique than others, then you can add emojis, separate the paragraphs, and make them bold and italic.

Note: It is only possible to change the looks of your chat if you use Messenger using a desktop. FB Messenger has not yet developed text formatting features for smartphones. However, changing paragraphs and adding emojis can be done from Mobile Phones to give a better look to your conversations.

Follow the given simple tricks to make your text more impressive and attractive.

For Bold: Firstly, type an asterisk (*) and then your text and * at the behind.

To make Italic: Type underscore (_) before and after the chat.

For Strikethrough: Use tilde (~) before and after the chat.

By using these shortcut methods, you can format your chats and also can enjoy the changes.

You can also change the default thumbs-up emoji on Messenger if you find it insulting and hurting.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the easiest way to start a new paragraph in Messenger?

A: To start a new paragraph in Messenger using Smartphones, just tap Enter key from the floating keyboard of your screen.
From computers, tap Shift and Enter tab together.

Q: Can I start a new paragraph in Messenger on the desktop web app?

A: Yes, it is possible to start a new paragraph in Messenger on the desktop web app. You can do it by holding the Shift and Enter keys at the same time.

Q: How many times do I need to press Enter to start a new paragraph?

A: It just needs only one time to press Enter to start a new paragraph. However, you need to tap enter twice for a visible space.


While writing a long paragraph message, it is just compulsory to add new paragraphs on Messenger. Unsegmented texts can bring confusion to readers. You need to segment each paragraph to avoid a complexion and make a chat more meaningful.

It is not that hard to start a new paragraph in Messenger using Computers, but a little more complex compared to Mobile Phones.

Besides the methods described above, you can also choose the alternatives for separating message paragraphs. For this, write the message on the note and paste it into a desirable place.
